Unionist calls for timely payment of national examiners

By Lydia Ngoolo

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Makueni branch chairman Erastus Kimetu has urged KNEC to pay contracted exam officials, especially examiners, on time.

Speaking during a multi-agency committee meeting at Makueni Boys High School, Kimetu argued that, if anything, examiners should be paid immediately they finish marking the last question.

‘In the past, we have witnessed delays in payment of examiners and this shouldn’t be the case,’ he said.

He urged candidates not to play monkey business in the forthcoming national exams.

He also thanked teachers for preparing the learners for exams despite the challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

‘KNEC has done its role. It’s now up to teachers to actualize their efforts,’ he said.

Kimetu urged all stakeholders involved in the examination process to play their role accordingly.

He also urged parents whose children are in day schools not to overburden the kids with house chores but to give them time to do their last minute revision.

He wished all teachers vying for political seats the best and requested other teachers to vote for the teachers since the teachers will represent their views well.

He gave his input on the controversial Teachers Professional Development programme and appreciated the parliamentary education committee for arguing that the government should meet the costs of the in service training of teachers.

‘Teachers cannot afford to meet the costs of the retraining due to salary commitments  and the hard  scrabble of life.’ He said.

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