Union boss resigns from post after being picked as Education CEC


The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Malindi branch Executive Secretary has resigned from his post after he was picked by Kilifi County as the County Executive Committee (CEC) member for Education.

In an exclusive interview with Education News, via telephone, the immediate former KNUT Malindi branch Executive secretary, Fredrick Nguma, revealed that he has successfully worked for the union for the last 18 year.

After his resignation, teachers from Malindi have so far elected Moses Mweni Mramba as the new Malindi branch Executive Secretary.

Nguma, during the telephone interview, called on teachers in Malindi and Magarini sub-counties to accord his successor the necessary cooperation to enable him to discharge his duties more efficiently and effectively.

“I have so far resigned from KNUT to work with Kilifi County government as a Chief Officer in the Ministry of Education,” Nguma said.

He also thanked teachers for according him the necessary cooperation during his 18-year stint at the union.

Speaking to Education News in his office in Malindi town recently, the new KNUT Malindi branch Executive Secretary advised teachers to adhere to the Code of Conduct to enable them carry out their duties effortlessly.

Mramba asked teachers in the two sub counties to work extra harder in order to improve academic standards in schools.

He advised the teachers to remain united in the union and patronize it so as to enable the body to offer quality services to them in a professional manner.

“I will remain aggressive enough to fight for your rights,” Mramba assured teachers in the two sub counties of Malindi and Magarini.

He got elected during a by–election recently held at Central primary school in Malindi town presided over by KNUT National Treasurer, James Ndiku.

During the by-elections, Mramba garnered 413 votes, while his opponent, Francis Baya managed 392 votes, as Nelson Zuma, who also contested for the seat, received 137 votes.

Mramba was a deputy head teacher at Karima Primary School before he was elected to his new position.

By Tsozungu Kombe

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