Unemployed graduates want refreshers to keep pace with changing technology

A section of KMTC graduates during the college's 92nd graduation ceremony at Kasarani stadium, Nairobi.

Unemployed technical and general health graduates from various public and private training facilities have called for frequent refreshers to familiarize themselves with emerging digital health equipment.

Such retraining should be done free of charge or through voluntary placement in hospitals and colleges to ensure that their skills do not eventually go to waste due to their delayed employment, mostly for reasons beyond them.

Led by Mucangi Kinyua, who trained and qualified as a physiotherapist three years ago, the health technicians said there is a huge number of young skilled people wasting away in the villages due to lack of employment.

“Those long durations without real hands-on work can easily compromise their efficiency at work where modern and expensive digital equipment are being adopted in hospitals and training institutions,” Kinyua said.

Mucangi suggested that the government and private hospitals’ management should include unemployed but qualified health workers in seminars and workshops to ensure they retain and refresh their skills.

“We request the government and hospital managements to rescue the young and skilled health specialists in various areas by introducing some retraining to avoid loss of skills considering the large amounts of funds which went into training,” said Kinyua.

The health specialists raised the issue against the backdrop of a revolution in the type of equipment used in health facilities in the last two years, fearing that they might be rendered redundant if mitigations are not taken.

They noted that unemployed graduates never worked with such equipment as the 3TMRI during training, which is now in the market.

By Robert Nyagah

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