Uhuru to donate Sh 20m to Nakuru school in honor of Tabichi

By Obegi Malack


President Uhuru Kenyatta has committed to donate Sh 20 million to Keriko Mixed Day Secondary School for the expansion of infrastructure and to encourage students to undertake science subjects in honor of teacher Peter Mokaya Tabichi who won this year’s Global Teacher Prize.

Uhuru who held a party for Tabichi in State House praised teacher Tabichi saying the win will uplift the teaching profession in the country. He said the teacher has demonstrated that commitment and integrity pays off.

President Uhuru Kenyatta with teacher Peter Mokaya Tabichi at Statehouse on Friday,Tabichi won this year’s Global Teacher Prize. Photo PSCU

“You have brought honor and pride to the people of Kenya and your win will raise the profile of the teaching profession,” said the President.

The President said Tabichi is a role model and an inspiration to everyone in the society including fellow teachers and students. He challenged other Kenyans to emulate virtues and qualities demonstrated by teacher Tabichi.

President Uhuru Kenyatta with teacher Peter Mokaya Tabichi at Statehouse on Friday,Tabichi won this year’s Global Teacher Prize. Photo PSCU

Mr Tabichi was declared the winner of the 2019 Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize recently in Dubai.he teaches mathematics and physics at Keriko Mixed Day Secondary School in Pwani village, Nakuru County. He has received glowing tributes from all over the world.

Present at the State House party were CS Amina Mohammed, Tabichi’s family members led by his father Lawrence Tabichi and officials of the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize.

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