Uhuru: All teachers must be trained on new curriculum

By Roy Hezron

President Uhuru Kenyatta has directed the Ministry of Education to work with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to ensure all teachers have acquired the necessary training on the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

Speaking during the launch of a “Taskforce on Enhancing Access, Relevance, Transition, Equity and Quality for Effective Curriculum Reforms Implementation” in Nairobi on Tuesday, Uhuru said the training would ensure effective implementation of CBC.

The President also directed the Ministry to establish a comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation mechanism to facilitate tracking of the CBC implementation process.

“Given that the challenges of our times call us to respond using our education system, we can only succeed through designing and implementing a fit-for-purposes education system,” said the President.

He noted that the current 8-4-4 education system was rigid and denied learners avenues to explore their talents and creativity.

“It proved rigid and unforgiving to the learner who did not fit into its mould.  A mould that placed inordinate emphasis on content as opposed to competency; raw knowledge as opposed to hands-on skills,” added the president.

TSC has trained a total of 339,743 teachers on CBC since April last, in an exercise that saw the sacking or suspension of more 200 tutors accused of inciting colleagues against attending the training.

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