UASU releases election guidelines

By Roy Hezron

After learning in schools resumed on January 4, 2021 for both basic and higher institutions with various teachers unions notably KNUT and KUPPET kicking off their branch elections, Universities’ Academic Staff Union (UASU) has issued a number of regulations that will oversee both its Chapter and national elections.

In a circular dated January 13, 2021 signed by the union’s Secretary General, Dr. Constantine Wasonga to all Chapter Secretaries, the union has directed the entire chapter Secretaries to send out a notice at least 14 days-which shall also apply to the Chapter’s General Meeting-to the election date specifying the date, time and place of the election and qualifications; with voting taking place between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on the election day.

The union which is organised in terms of Chapters representing universities has 11 elective slots in each Chapter which are Chapter Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Organising Secretary, three chapter Trustees, and Chapter Delegates, with each chapter co-opting three officials to represent Special Interest Groups.

Chapter delegates to the National Delegates Conference (NDC) are elected by members of the Chapter, with every chapter of the union having a right to send one additional delegates for every 100 members provided that there should be no chapter which should send more than 7 additional delegates to the NDC.

“Every elected officer of the union shall vacate office at the expiry of five years, but shall be eligible for re-election, for a final 5 year term. However, a Trustee shall hold office for a maximum of 5 years,” reads the circular in part.

The directives further states that only such members of the Union not in arrears with their subscriptions shall be eligible for election as officers of the union, with no member of the Union being eligible to vote on any matter if the member’s monthly subscription is more than 90 days in arrears, and agency fee payers not allowed to vote in the Union elections.

In addition to that, the circular states that voting shall take place at only one venue, with only candidate(s) who have been members of the Union for at least 12 consecutive months preceding the date of elections being eligible to contest during the elections.

“All candidates nominated for election to the Executive Committee shall be fully paid up members of the Union and shall be nominated by 10 fully paid up members,” adds the circular.

The union which operates on open membership for all academic and research staff of the universities appointed on Academic Terms of Service, has directed its Chapter Secretaries to submit certified copies by the Chapter Secretary and Secretary General of its members on every page accompanied by minutes of the Chapter Executive Committee endorsing the register with proposed election date, date of notice of election and venue which shall be within the university to the Union’s National offices and County Labour Officer on or before January 15, 2021.

“Ensure that the notice sent out to members indicates when and where the nomination forms will be picked up from and returned to, and that on the Election Day members must bring with them a National Identity Card or Passport and a pen,” states the circular.

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