UASU female Chair vows to be a tough unionist

By Roy Hezron 

She is the first woman to hold a top seat in the county’s trade unions, as Dr. Constantine Wasonga defended his National Secretary General (NSG) seat.

Kisii University Lecturer and Lawyer Grace Nyongesa is now the new University Academic Staff Union (UASU) Chairperson.

Nyongesa, who is also a practicing lawyer in Nakuru, won the hotly contested seat by 248 votes in the recently concluded national elections held recently at Nakuru Athletics Club; vowed to be a tough unionist like her predecessor who, she said, gave the government a hard time in labour negotiations.

“My predecessor was tough, but I promise to be tougher. Iam glad to be the first female chairperson of this trade union,” said Nyongesa after being declared the winner.

The seat attracted three contestants, with Muiga Rugara from Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology (JKUAT) Chapter coming second with 245 votes, while Dr. Richard Bosire from the University of Nairobi (UoN) Chapter being at third position with only 20 votes.

The seat was left vacant after long-serving UASU boss Prof. Muga K’Olale resigned just days before the national elections after serving as the National Chairperson from 2016 during the Special Delegates Conference (SDC) held in Kisumu.

Addressing the SDC in Nakuru, Prof. K’Olale urged the newly elected national officials to steer the union to greater heights.

“I am leaving this union with my head high. I have never been compromised despite the many temptations. I urge the new office not to be ethnocentric. Be professional and stand for the ideals of UASU,” said Prof. K’Olale.

Dr. Wasonga of Maseno University Chapter who defended his SG seat stated that in his second term, he shall focus on bridging the inequalities that public university dons face as part of their demands in their next Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

He noted that the promotion of lecturers had been left to individual universities which are never in a hurry to do so, hence limiting dons’ career growth which eventually demotivates them.

“I have been re-elected alongside a very able team and our message to Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is simple-We shall negotiate. Article 230 of the constitution is not superior to Article 41,” stated Dr. Wasonga

He added that: “Parliament appropriates money for the promotion of public sector employees. There has never been an appropriation to cater for promotions of dons. We shall demand that our promotions be done at equal footing with other government employees across all public universities.”

Dr. Wasonga said they will be demanding proper medical scheme for his members, explaining that despite training professionals who are now in leadership positions; they have been denied proper health insurance covers which other government officials enjoy.

“We shall be demanding a non-contributory medical scheme for all lecturers. We want to be treated as other civil servants. We are serving the same government in critical sector,” he said.

The issues of addressing lecturers’ workload in public university come out with Dr. Wasonga maintaing that they will be demanding overtime payments since some lecturers teach units in evening classes, online and in-person.

Dr. Wasonga won the seat with 398 votes against his competitor Prof. Kubasu Kwashe of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Chapter, who got 115 votes.

Other National Officials who were elected include Cyprian Ombati of University of Kabianga who previously served as the National Trustee.

He won with 330 votes, against 153 votes for Sawenja Fred (Technical University of Kenya) and 31 votes Francisca Mibei (Maseno University)

National Deputy Secretary General (NDSG) seat attracted six contestants, with Jacob Musembi from Technical University of Kenya (TUK) emerging the winner with 242 votes.

Other candidates who contested for the NDSG seat include   Phillip Chebunet from University of Eldoret (104 votes), Nyaigoti Bichang’a from Garissa University (92 votes), Bendibbie Munyao (42 votes), Dr. Maloba Wekesa (22 votes), and Dr. Shem Khakame (9 votes).

The new National Organizing Secretary will be Onesmus Mutio from Multimedia University (MMU) who won the seat with 240 votes, in a race that attracted five contestants from different Chapters.

Others were Bonface Isalambo of Maasai Mara University (109 votes), Dr. Grace Kibue (86 votes), Dr. Richard Okero (30 votes), Nyaberi Mogaka (25 votes) and Lynda Allan of TUK (24 votes)

Dr. Janepha Kemunto Kumba of Egerton University defended his National Treasurer seat with 336 votes beating Dr. Alice Lunani who had 131 votes and Dr. Daniel Kirui of Moi University who got 47 votes.

National Assistant Treasurer went to Weldon Keter of Murang’a University of Technology who got 352 votes. Other contestants were Martin Kasina (79 votes), James Ireri Kanya (70 votes), and Joshua Langat (12 votes).

A total of 20 lecturers from different chapters vied for the position of the union three (3) National Trustees (NT), with Dr. Francis Odundo of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) being elected as NT1 with 242 votes, Dr. Jane Michael of Moi University getting NT2 with 161 votes, and John Malii of Pwani University being elected as NT3 with 101 votes.

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