Two pupils, one candidate drown while searching for water

By John Majau

The search for water turned tragic for three primary school pupils who drowned in Kathita River in Tharaka Nithi County recently.

The three children aged 13, 12 and 10 from Gakuyu Primary School in Kirukuma sub-location had travelled for several kilometres to Gituma Sub-Location looking for water to wash their school uniforms in preparation for school reopening on Monday.

Gituma location chief, Kibaara Muthungu said the three children, among them a class eight candidate, were trying to cross the river for a place to wash their uniforms when they drowned.

He said they were four children but one managed to swim to safety while the other three were pushed by strong currents into deeper waters.

“The pupils from the neighbouring Kirukuma sub-location had come to wash their school uniform and bags when they drowned,” said Mr Muthungu.

He said the boy who missed death by a whisker raised alarm and neighbours rushed to the river but unfortunately the other three had already drowned.

The police removed the bodies to Marimanti Level Four Hospital morgue.

Residents Jared Mucee, Munene Kiura and Alex Karani who participated in searching for the bodies said the place where the three drowned was very deep with rocks that have formed dangerous caves.

“The part of the river where the children drowned is very dangerous and the locals know that but unfortunately they were not aware because they come from far,” said Mr Mucee.

Gituma Sub Location assistant chief Josphat Muriungi said two of the deceased children were brothers and he urged parents to make sure that children are accompanied by an adult whenever they visit the river.

He said that due to the ongoing drought that has hit the region resulting in the drying of most of the seasonal rivers that flow throughout the year, people are traveling for several kilometres to fetch water for their households in either Kathita or Tana River.

He said schools are also expected to suffer due to lack of water and urged the county government to look for an immediate solution.

“Several permanent and seasonal rivers traverse our region including Tana River but people still suffer from lack of water unless those near rivers who are also at risk of drowning or even attacks by crocodiles or hippos,” said Mr Muriungi.

Data by the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) shows that more than 38,517 people in the semi-arid parts of Tharaka constituency are in dire need of food and water aid.

Tharaka Nithi County NDMA coordinator Kiragu Kariuki said that approximately 7,704 households in the lower sides of Gatunga, Chiakariga, Mukothima, Marimanti and Nkondi wards are hard hit by the effects of the drought.

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