Two pupils die several injured in School bus road accident

By Obegi Malack


Two pupils from Oloika Primary School in Kajiado West sub county died in a road accident in Kamukuru along Kiserian Magadi road.

The driver of the school bus lost control of the vehicle, it overturned killing the two. The bus was carrying 46 pupils and four teachers.

Class eight pupil Jonathan Sampeke aged 16 years died on the spot, other pupils were rushed to Magadi hospital with injuries, Soine Tingoine aged 12 years who was in class five was pronounced dead on arrival in the hospital.

Police reports indicated four students were admitted others were treated and discharged. The bus had been hired to transport the pupils to schools festivals on Thursday.

This is the second school bus to be involved in an accident in the Kiserian Magadi road this year. The government had urged school bus drivers to be careful and banned night travel.

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