Two of the 8 pupils who died in Kaburengu accident laid to rest

Two of the eight pupils from Ebenezer Academy in Busia County who perished in a road accident at Kaburengu along Webuye-Eldoret Highway a week ago have been laid to rest.

The two, Charity Kate Oor and Myra Tasha Achieng’ were buried at their homes in Butula sub-county, Busia county and in Ugunja, Siaya County respectively.

Speaking during the late Kate’s burial, her parents Marcus Oor and Lilian Auma Oor, revealed that she had won full scholarship to study in the United States and was to move there to continue her Junior Secondary School (JSS) education.

“I lecture at one of the universities in the US and one evening while in an online class, my daughter joined me and the class asked me to allow her to greet them. My daughter talked to them for about five minutes and there was applause from the students. At the end they said she should move to the US and they offered her a scholarship,” Marcus said.

Marcus Oor, father to Charity Kate Oor speaks during her burial.

He added that he had an appointment at the US Embassy in Nairobi this Wednesday to collect their visas before they could both travel to US later in the year.

“I was to go to the Embassy on 5th to pick our visas but today I am here burying my daughter. I am just asking myself why?” he cried.

The deceased’s mother, Lilian, eulogized Kate as a genius who was doing things beyond her age.

“Our daughter was perfect, she wanted to try everything and she wanted to be the best. If it’s swimming, she wants to be the best, if it’s in class or in singing she would want to be the best,” she said.

Lilian Auma Oor, mother to Charity Kate Oor speaking during her burial.

The father in his one-hour eulogy revealed that he was against his daughter going for the academic trip.

“When my daughter told me they were going for an academic tour, I asked her where and when she told me Poa Place Eldoret I declined because I didn’t see its academic value. But she pleaded with me until I gave in,” he regretted.

Kate was among other pupils who had gone for an academic tour in Eldoret on June 24. When coming back, their school bus was hit from behind at Kaburengu by a lorry whose brakes had failed.

She is among four pupils who died on the spot while four others died while receiving treatment in hospital. Among the eight who perished, six were girls and two boys aged between nine and twelve years.

By Charles Ouma

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