TVETA opens office to serve western Kenya institutions

By Fredrick Odiero

The Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority (TVETA) has opened a regional office in Kisumu which will serve the entire Western region.

The office will serve about ten counties and will be used for enquiries, placements and information about courses offered by TVETS and VTCs.

Principal Secretary for the State Department for Vocational and Technical Training Dr. Margaret Mwakima who presided over the opening of the new offices said it will ensure that quality is adhered to in courses offering technical training.

The official who was accompanied by the Director General of TVETA Dr. Kipkurui Langat said the office is strategically located within the Lake Victoria region when it comes to the promotion of the blue economy sector through TVETs.

She said the regional office is one way of bringing services closer to the people according to the new constitution.

The PS said that technical institutions play a vital role in disseminating life skills which are needed for the country to move forward in terms of vision.

She said technical institutions should be prepared to embrace the Competence Based Curriculum, noting that the new concept was there to stay.

Mwakima said many such institutions are suffering from inadequate staff and lack of equipment.

She however expressed gratitude that the government has set aside funds for recruitment of more trainers.

Mwakima said a total of 3,000 trainers will be hired where 1,000 will be diploma holders and the rest of the 2,000 will be required to be degree holders.

She said that a regional textile section which has been initiated at the Kisumu National Polytechnic will be a regional hub which will serve Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania in terms of exchange programmes.

Mwakima said the notion that TVET courses and institutions are inferior should be demystified.

Langat said there exists 470,000 learners in TVET institutions across the country, adding that more needs to be done to increase the number.

He said university graduates should also be encouraged to pursue TVET courses upon acquisition of first degrees.

TVETA Board Chairperson Florence Indebe said that young learners should be introduced to lifelong skills early in life as it will make them ‘more responsible citizens.’

Indebe said more offices will be opened in other regions across the country.

The event was also attended by the regional chairman of the Kenya Association of Technical Institutions, Nyanza region Mr. Daniel Randa.

Randa said the opening of the new office was a move in the right direction since members of the public will no longer have to move to Nairobi to access vital services.

Randa said they are prepared for the CBC and CBET curriculum noting that it is the way to go.

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