TVET institutions asked to stick to guidelines, before they can be upgraded

TVET authority

Technical and vocation training institutions in the country have been advised to follow laid down guidelines in order to be upgraded to the next level.

Fred Oanda Nyambane, the director in charge of accreditation at Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) said rules and regulations which must be followed before an institution becomes a national establishment are well spelt out.

For instance, Mr Nyambane said, for an institution to be elevated to a national polytechnic, it must have the requisite infrastructure.

Nyambane said such infrastructure includes a library, an ICT hub, a center of excellence and the required number of staff.

He was speaking at the Tom Mboya labour college in Kisumu where TVET heads converged for a three day workshop.

Nyambane said heads of TVETs must follow laid down rules on admissions.

He warned those who over enroll students do it at their own perils.

He added that TVETs must evaluate the performance of board members in order to assess their suitability before their contracts can be reviewed.

The official said heads of institutions must be firm in decision making but delegate other duties to their juniors.

Nyambane outlined the gain so far made in the development of the TVET sector in the country.

He said the country boasts of over 2000 such institutions to its credit.

Nyambane said TVETs must align training towards global needs.

Fredrick Odiero

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