TVET colleges offer quality alternative career paths, youth told

By Gilbert Kobi

Kisii County Senator has observed that Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges have offered an alternative career path for the youth and increased technical competence in various industries countrywide.

Richard Onyonka thus called upon youth in the county and MCAs to embrace the institutions to enhance production of professional manpower greatly needed in various technical fields.

“All Kisii county MCAs should note that they have to encourage their youth join TVETs to fit in the job market and should ensure every family has a technically-skilled person. This will enhance service delivery as it will impact development at the ward level and the county at large,” he said.

Speaking while addressing several institutional heads in his office today, Onyonka said that his office will consider incorporating stakeholders to sensitize the public to take advantage of the quality technical skills and knowledge available in colleges.

“I can tell you for sure that we have what it takes to empower and produce high quality personnel in different fields of operations instead of seeing our youth languish in useless tendencies,” he stated.

According to the Senator, the notion that only those who make it to university are the chosen ones should be discarded.

“I’m calling on those who thought enrolling to university is the only way to succeed to have second thought and enroll in courses appealing to their areas of interest or talents,” he said.

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