TSC warns teachers to choose politics or their jobs

By Staff Reporter

It will now be illegal for teachers and other Teachers Service Commission employees to engage in political activities.

A circular issued by TSC on 1st December 2020 restricts its employees from participating or engaging in activities and affairs of political parties.

The commission said it drew reference from a circular it received from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission on 1st October 2020.

“In congruence with the spirit of national values and good governance under the constitution which includes impartiality and political neutrality, it is vital for all employees to abstain from taking part in political engagements,” said TSC.

In that regard, all employees of the Commission were directed to shun partisan political activities while in active public service.

Those affected are teachers, head teachers, principals, sub-county and county directors and regional directors and staffs in the Secretariat.

They were all asked to refrain from holding office in any political party and engaging in political activity that may compromise the political neutrality of the office they hold.

They are also barred from engaging in activities of any political party or candidate, or acting as an agent of apolitical party or candidate in an election.

That also includes publicly indicating support for opposition to any political party or candidate in an election.

“The Commission further brings to your attention that any of its employees who currently holds office or engages in political activities is in violation of the law and is liable to disciplinary action,” said TSC.

Those holding such positions were advised to immediately resign from such office with a warning that any breach of the directions of the Circular shall result in disciplinary action.

A majority of teachers have in the past been used as party agents to represent their candidates at polling stations, while others have been used as campaign agents.

 Teachers unions have also openly declared their support for their preferred candidates.

During the last election, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) chairman Mudzo Nzili rejected a call the Secretary General Wilson Sossion that they endorsed th National Super Alliance (NASA) Presidential candidate Raila Odinga.

“Kenya teachers have the freedom to support any party they want. We have no marriage with NASA. We have not declared to support Raila,” said Nzili during the last campaign periods of August 2017 elections.

During the elections, Sossion, who spoke on behalf of  then five unions which include his KNUT union,  Dock Workers Unions, University Academic Staff Union (UASU), Nurses Union and the Doctors Union, accused the government of mistreating workers.

He urged teachers to support Odinga’s bid thereby leading  in signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with NASA.

“As part of the trade unions congress of Kenya we support the campaign and will vote for Nasa,” said Sossion during the signing of MoU on 3rd August 2017at Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho’s office.

Sossion was later nominated by NASA coalition to National Assembly as a nominated Member of Parliament to represents the teachers.

KUPPET has not engaged in active politics though some officials haver said they will be seeking elective positions in 2022.

Former KUPPET officials in parliament are Omboko Milemba (Emuhaya MP), Ronald Tonui Bomet (Central MP) and Catherine Wambilyanga the Bungoma County Woman representative.

TSC has directed all County Directors to bring the contents of the circular to the attention of all the officers and teachers serving under them.

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