TSC wants to kill its own “mother”, says MP

By Denis Lumiti 

A Member of Parliament has urged the National Assembly to save the Kenya National Union of Teachers from “being killed” by the Teachers Service Commission.

Lurambi MP Titus Khamala said KNUT was staring at imminent collapse unless Parliament intervenes.

“We cannot allow a giant union that was formed by gallant Kenyans through hard work, sacrifice and even blood to just die like that,” he said.

The MP accused TSC plotting to silence the voice of teachers.

Khamala said it was an irony that TSC, which he said was a creation of KNUT, wanted to “kill its own mother”.

“The rate at which thousands of teachers are being coerced to quit KNUT for a rival union or to be on their own is dangerous,” said the legislator.

He added: “I am appealing to Parliament to intervene and come up with measures to rein in TSC and save the teachers’ union from imminent collapse.”

Khamala said the TSC Act should be amended because it gave immense powers to the chair and Chief Executive Officer which were now being abused.

He revealed that MPs will discuss the disputes between the union and TSC when they come back from recess.

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