TSC urged to promote teachers on merit

By Tony Wafula

Teachers service commission (TSC) has been asked to  promote teachers who have been in acting in same positions for a long time.

Speaking at Mabusi village during the burial of KNUT official in Bumula constituency, Bungoma East KNUT Executive Secretary Aggrey Namisi said that many teachers have overstayed in acting positions.

He said although most of them have served in ranks of heads and deputies, TSC goes to an extent of demoting them to much lower positions.

“This issue of reshuffling teachers from senior positions to junior demoralizes the spirit of hard work,” Namisi said.

He added that reshuffling school heads who have been in acting positions creates confusion leading to mismanagement.

Namisi also urged TSC to come out with a vivid stand on the issue of Bachelor Education degrees in university training.

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