TSC transfers more field directors in further re-organisation

TSC CEO, Nancy Macharia

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has continued to transfer more field directors in further reorganization of teacher management functions.

Education News has learnt that Nyamira County Director, Catherine Mwenda will be leaving her station to report to Meru County in similar capacity. She would be replacing Obed Mwaniki who has proceeded to Nyandarua.

At the time of filing this story, Mwenda’s replacement was not clear. Also in the new changes, Keziah Mugure who has been the Meru County Deputy Director will be heading to Murang’a in similar capacity. It is understood this decision is in line with TSC policy not to retain two individuals of similar gender in the leadership of one institution or station.

Therefore with the coming of Mwenda to take over of teacher management functions in Meru County, it meant that Mugure had to leave to balance the gender equation there. It is then expected that the TSC will name a man as the latter’s replacement in due course.

Also affected in the movements is Margaret Kamau who has been in charge of Embu County who now goes to Kitui County to replace Jane Mwaniki. Information filtering out of TSC further indicates that the latter will be proceeding to Isiolo to replace Florence Momanyi who had been deployed to Migori County a few days ago.

Earlier, we had reported that both Kamau and Mwaniki were recalled to the TSC headquarters for new duties but it appears the employer changed mind and sent them back to the field.

Education News has further confirmed that Perpetua Kashima, the Kisumu County Deputy Director will be landing in Kiambu County on promotion as the new Director. She will be replacing Abubakar Hassan who has been transferred to Vihiga County.

The changes come days after the teachers’ employer transferred close to 16 county directors to new stations. The reshuffle saw some deputy directors promoted to full directors and posted to new stations.

Stay tuned for more updates in due course..

-By Our Reporter

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