TSC to recruit 18, 000 Grade 8 intern teachers      

TSC teachers
TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has unveiled an initiative to recruit a minimum of 18,000 intern instructors for Grade 8 in Junior Secondary Schools (JSS).

Reportedly, the commission plans to extend the contracts of current intern teachers while simultaneously welcoming new grade 8 instructors.

The recruitment drive is slated to commence after the conclusion of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations, with the goal of having the educators in place before the commencement of sessions in January 2024.

Those currently serving as intern teachers, employed in January of the present year, are now part of an internship program and are expected to receive an additional year of insurance coverage.

For those desiring to continue their roles as interns, the TSC will automatically renew their internship contracts.

The commission envisions that by 2025, the existing intern instructors will transition into permanent positions.

This announcement has sparked discontent among many intern teachers who were initially hopeful for confirmation after a year of service.

“All 46,000 teachers hired on internship terms will be retained after two years of service,” TSC director announced.

However, criticism has arisen, particularly regarding the disparity between the low compensation for teacher internships and the rising cost of living.

The monthly stipend for TSC intern teachers in primary schools is set at Ksh. 15,000, while those in high schools receive Ksh. 20,000.

Unfortunately, the recent tax amendments result in a reduction of approximately Ksh. 2, 500 for secondary school interns and Ksh. 1,500 for their counterparts in primary schools.

As the TSC strives to fortify the education sector, the discourse surrounding fair compensation for intern teachers becomes a focal point of discussion and concern.

By Viola Chepkemoi

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