TSC to hold seminar on sensitization against suicide among teachers


By Obegi Malack


The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued a circular indicating its plan for sensitization of teachers on mental health.

The seminar which will be conducted online is aimed at promoting mental health and preventing mental health disorders.

The Commission indicated that sensitization of its employees on mental health was a priority hence the need to provide and implement strategies towards mitigating its adverse effects at the Commission and the society at large.

TSC Wellness section had earlier on deliberated on mental health issues and later came up with a proposed action plan which will involve mental health advocacy programs for employees.

The seminar will promote, prevent and manage mental health among TSC employees, in line with the World Health Organization commemoration of international days on mental health thematics ahead of World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September.

The Kenya Women Teachers Association (KEWOTA) CEO Benta Opande had earlier stated that mental health issues have been attributed to the increase in suicide cases among teachers.

In a statement last month, the association indicated that more than 22 teachers had died from suicide in the past two years alone.

On 25th July, a 45 year-old primary school teacher reportedly committed suicide. That was the second teacher to commit suicide in Kirinyaga in that month.

It was found that many teachers were not aware that they were mentally ill or were afraid to call for help due to stigma associated with the ailment.

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