TSC to give Sub-County Directors vehicles to ease movement while on duty

TSC interviews
TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia. SCDs will get vehicles to facilitate their movements in the course of duty, just like their counterparts in the ministry.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is planning to acquire 160 vehicles which will be distributed to various sub-counties to ease movement of its Sub-County Directors (SCDs) and improve service delivery.

This was disclosed by Boniface Okumu, one of the facilitators who represented the Directorate of Administration during the final day of the SCDs’ three-day workshop in Naivasha, which ended on Saturday April 20, 2024.

It was revealed that the commission had written to the National Treasury to request for approval to buy 160 vehicles to be distributed to the sub-counties to facilitate their work of the officers.

Speaking during the forum, the TSC acting Director of Staffing Antonina Lentoijoni called for patience from the SCDs as Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) issues are addressed, commending the officers for the good work on the ground.

The commission’s Director of Legal, Labour and Industrial Relations, Calvin Anyuor emphasized that the recently adopted CPG for Secretariat Staff had created more opportunities for promotion for SCDs, and challenged them to apply when the positions are advertised.

One of the areas contained in the new CPG is a proposal that the SCDs be deputized by a Teacher Management Officer (TMO), unlike now where sub-county Human Resource Officers (HROs) occupy this role.

TMOs are currently deployed to sub-counties on equal rank as the SCDs, creating confusion in the TSC structure.

The training started on Thursday April 18, 2024 and brought together 394 SCDs from all the 47 counties, organized by the commission for purposes of equipping the field officers with knowledge and skills that will help them to effectively discharge the decentralized functions of TSC as per its constitutional mandate.

It will be recalled that the Ministry of Education (MoE) recently distributed vehicles to all its sub-county directors in a bid to ensure ease of their mobility as they conducted the work.


Sub-County Directors asked to up their game in handling teacher management challenges

By our reporter

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