TSC stops BBF deductions from all KUPPET members’ payslips

TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia and head of legal Calvin Anyuor. Photo:courtesy

The country’s teacher employer Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has stopped Branch Benevolent Fund (BBF) deductions from all Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) members.

In a letter addressed to the union Secretary General Akelo Misori dated May 21, 2024 and signed by the Commission’s Director for Legal and Industrial Relations Cavin Anyuor on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer Dr Nancy Macharia, TSC states that the decision is as a result of the petition filed by five KUPPET officials challenging the legality of the union’s Social Welfare and BBF.

“Reference is made to a Constitutional Petition No. E008/2024 at the Employment and Labour Relations Court filed by five KUPPET Branch Executive Secretaries namely Paul Kipchumba Rotich, William Lengoiyap, Robert Miano, Peter Oluoch and Jentrix Ogola. The petition challenges the legality of the KUPPET Social Welfare/BBF deductions, as exhibited by Jentrix Ogola’s payslip, and enjoins the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the TSC for the deductions,” reads the letter.

“The KUPPET Social Welfare and BBF deductions were implemented pursuant to your letter Ref. KUPPET/TSC/015/21 dated May 17, 2021, which communicated to the Commission the resolution by your Union Delegates on the matter at the KUPPET Annual Delegates Conference held on April 3, 2021. In light of the desire by the Union through the said officials, the Commission will stop forthwith all deductions of KUPPET BBF made pursuant to your letter referenced above,” the letter added.                                                                                                                                                                    More to follow…

By Roy Hezron

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