TSC reports that teacher transfers doubled to 31,779 last year

TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia with KNUT SG Collins Oyuu. The commission effected the transfer of over 31 thousand teachers last year, according to its annual report.

TSC Annual Report 2022/2023 has disclosed that a total of 31,779 teachers and administrative personnel, including school heads and deputies, were transferred in last year.

This marks a significant rise compared to 13,196 individuals transferred in the preceding year.

This shift occurred concurrent with the commission’s decision to discontinue the 2018 delocalization policy, a move that had led to the relocation of numerous educators to areas distant from their home counties.

Transfer requests are typically evaluated for approval by the Appointment Board once a year, usually at the year’s end. Nevertheless, the Commission retains the authority to transfer a teacher at its discretion.

Teachers aspiring for a transfer are required to follow these steps:

To initiate the process, the teacher completes a transfer application form available at TSC offices nationwide or downloadable it from the TSC website. This should be done through the head of the institution.

Once the application forms are filled, the head of the institution should dispatch them to the TSC or its representatives.

For primary school teachers seeking transfers within the county, the TSC County Director will oversee the process. On the other hand, transfers outside the county will be managed by the TSC headquarters. Transfer applications for tertiary institutions are processed centrally at the TSC headquarters.

Upon submission of transfer requests to the commission, prompt acknowledgment will be provided. Subsequently, the decision of the Appointment Board will be relayed to the teacher.

Transfer approvals hinge on the availability of vacancies and suitable replacements.

By our reporter

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