TSC replaces the 7 interdicted Kisii teachers


By Enock Okong’o

Seven teachers who were interdicted from Amariba D.O.K Primary School in Kisii county have been replaced.

Speaking at Ogembo Law Courts, area Resident Magistrate said that the government took the so the children continue with their education.

“It was found necessary to replace them for the purpose of safeguarding the child’s interest,” he said.

The new teachers will join the other two teachers who remained at the school after their seven colleagues were arrested.

The seven teachers appeared at Ogembo Law Courts after they were arrested for alleged contravention of the law defending children from abuse.

It was alleged that the teachers exposed minors to unethical sexual behaviour depicting homosexuality.

Following public outcry, the tutors were arrested by Police from Nyangusu station where they recorded their statements.

Accompanied by KNUT Gucha Branch Executive Secretary Lucy Machuki, they denied the allegations and were ordered to remain in remand until today, Monday when they will appear in Court for mention of their case.

Mrs Machuki accused the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) for trying to intimidate teachers as they discharged their duties.

“These teachers are parents too, so the TSC should not punish them arbitrarily before knowing the motive behind the course they took,” she argued.

She expressed fear of the impending ‘rotting of the society’ if teachers will be curtailed from instilling discipline into their learners.

The accused teachers were represented by their lawyer Mr. Edward Begi.

Mr. Begi blamed the TSC and the Ministry of Education for the quick offensive step they took on the alleged victims.

He said the accused were in their routine work and did not see any cause for their interference and castigated the mushrooming of social media practices that built hills out of mere mounds.

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