TSC, KUPPET hold joint retreat in Naivasha for strategic discussions

Paul Kimeto, KUPPET Executive Secretary for Bomet.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) are holding a joint retreat in Naivasha to deliberate on number of issues.

On day two of the retreat, apart from promotions, the union discussed the welfare of Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) interns.

According to Bomet Kuppet Executive Secretary, Paul Kimeto, the union observed that the commission was engaging in unfair labour practice and was misusing the teachers, who in reality, of how they are paid, should be referred to as volunteer teachers. Therefore, the union demanded that their stipend be raised as a matter of urgency. The duration of service before conversion to permanent and pensionable should be one year.

The same teachers should be managed by administrators qualified to manage secondary school settings.

KUPPET further demanded that teachers working in hardship zones must be paid risk allowances and honorarium after serving for more than two years in hostile environments.


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Junior school should remain junior secondary school for in the constitution it is only ECDE, primary and secondary schools which are basic and nothing like “Comprehensive “.

Also they want teachers trained to teach in high school should be permitted to teach in any level either JSS or Senior Secondary Schools.

KUPPET also told TSC to take care of health of her employees with full authority demanding for improved cover – Group Life and Last Expense.

The union demanded for a review and abolition of TSC Career Progression Guidelines.

The unions also demand that TSC should be paying per diem as it’s the sole employer of teachers and should pay them as per Public Service Commission.

KUPPET will issue a comprehensive report after the discussions tomorrow.

By our reporter

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