TSC invites women-only tenders for provision of mobile phone airtime

TSC Directors tender airtime
TSC Headquarters in Nairobi.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is inviting women tenderers to bid for the supply and delivery of mobile phone airtimes.

Eligible tenderers can be private entities, individuals or state-owned enterprises, either independently or in joint ventures.

The tendering process will be conducted through an open competitive method known as Open Tender, utilizing standardized tender documents.

Tenders must include a Tender Securing Declaration Form and be valid for 120 days, and extendable for an additional 30 days.

The Tender should have the following components; a completed Form of Tender (in line with Instructions To Tenderers {ITT}11), Price Schedules (following ITT 11 and ITT 13), Tender Security or a Tender-Securing Declaration (per ITT 18.1) and, if allowed, an Alternative Tender (as per ITT12).

Additionally, it should have written authorization for the person signing the Tender (as per ITT 19.3), documentary proof of the Tenderer’s qualifications to carry out the contract (in line with ITT 16.2), and evidence of the Tenderer’s eligibility to bid (in accordance with ITT 16.1).

Lastly, there should be documentary evidence related to the eligibility of goods and related services as required by ITT (specify the relevant section number).

It is important to note that the Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Tender and TSC shall not be responsible or liable for those costs regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Tendering process.

The nationality of tenderers and compliance with tax obligations will also be a key consideration.

Only hardcopy tenders will be accepted and should be delivered to the tender box located at TSC Podium Wing Ground floor by Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

Ineligible parties to tender include Public officers, their close relatives, as well as those with conflicts of interest or a history of fraudulent practices.

The tender documents can be downloaded from the TSC website with a requirement for tenderers who download the documents to submit their particulars to ddprocurement@tsc.go.ke for potential clarifications or addendums.

For further information and tender document purchase, interested parties should contact the Deputy Director (SCMS) at ddprocurement@tsc.go.ke or visit the TSC offices.

By Our Reporter

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