TSC in a hurry to clear 1,000 discipline cases ahead of December

By Joyce Wambui

Senior officials of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) have limited time to go through multiple cases before the year ends.

A summary on the state of the discipline cases shows that 1,000 discipline cases were recorded and should be settled by December this year, 600 cases were recorded at the county level while others were reported at the head office. Those reported at the head office 300 of them should have been cleared.

The TSC document shows that 350 of the cases reported at the county level should have been concluded. The commissioners should have also looked at 51 cases reported under teachers immoral behavior by the end of last week. For the past one week, it has been confirmed that TSC commissioners have been chairing discipline panels of cases of serious nature.

Information from TSC revealed that since 16 September the commissioners have been holding and chairing meetings on fraud, canal knowledge of minors and other cases of immoral behavior. The meetings have been held in Coast, Eastern, Nyanza, Western, Rift valley and Central regions.

Under the revised discipline guidelines, TSC delegated some functions to speed up the conclusion of the cases. They have devolved the hearing of most of the teachers discipline cases and have reduced the period a case should be dispensed to three months. In 2015 a total of 126 teachers were struck off teaching roles and degazetted.

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