TSC: ICT a game-changer in service delivery


By Obegi Malack


Teachers Service Commission has automated most of its services whereby applications are now done online through portal in the TSC website.

In its Strategic Plan 2019-2023 the commission identified reforms and innovations in the provision of its services as a strategic focus area aimed at improving service delivery to employees and stakeholders.

The digitization is in a bid to promote transparency, reduce paperwork and improve record keeping.

Its most recent automated service was the teachers’ leave application and approval where teachers and interns are required to apply for leave using the online platform using the detailed procedure outlined in the site.

Initially, teachers applied in writing to the Head of institution for permission while Heads of institutions applied for permission from the sub-county Director.

Prior to this, these are the top services digitized by the commission to ease the previously strenuous processes.

  1. Application for Employment

TSC vacancies are now advertised on the site and applications done through the online recruitment portal.

  1. Online Teacher Transfer

The automation of applications for transfer has made it easy for teachers to apply for transfer and receive feedback countrywide without the need to travel to TSC offices.

  1. Appraisal Process

The commission further introduced the Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development system to ensure systematic performance management of the teaching service.

  1. Email Activation

Use of official emails for communication ensures credibility of information from the commission’s officers.

  1. T-Pay system

This system ensures teachers can access their pay slips with ease whenever, wherever.

  1. Digitization of Posting, Entry and Exit Process (Casualty)

The entry and exit process has also been digitized.

  1. Wealth Declaration Process

The digitization has also made it easier for teachers to declare their wealth as required of public servants after every two years.

  1. Teacher Profile Updating

The commission keeps track of teachers when they further their knowledge and improve their qualifications.

  1. Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

Through introduction of this system, the commission handles teachers’ issues simultaneously from their points of service.

  1. Leave application

The tedious paperwork involved in acquiring leave is now a thing of the past.

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