TSC given 7-day ultimatum to return delocalized teachers

By Musyoka Kaleti

Embu Senator Alexander Mundigi has given Teachers Service Commission (TSC) 7 days to approve transfers of teachers originating from his county who are still stuck in other different counties.

While addressing the press in Mbeere South, the Senator observed that the Parliament had reversed the punitive delocalization policy and wondered why the Commission had taken long to approve the transfer of the teachers back to their home county saying it was unfair and will not be tolerated.

“We have teachers from Embu who are still in Machakos, Kitui, Kirinyaga, Tharaka Nithi and other counties, we are giving TSC seven days to effect these transfers because the delocalization policy was halted by Parliament,” Mundigi said.

The first term senator said he had received a number of complaints that teachers have been camping at the TSC offices in Embu town to push for their transfers but they were being taken in circles.

He urged all teachers from the county having problems with their transfer requests to forward their names so he can follow up with TSC.

On November 3, 2022, Members of Parliament unanimously approved a motion to reverse the teacher delocalization policy sponsored by Lurambi MP Bishop Titus Khamala.

The reversal has seen over 15,000 teachers transferred back to their home counties since January.

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