TSC bashed for not returning West Pokot teachers back home

By Kipilat Kapusia 

A number of teachers from West Pokot county who have been working in the neighboring counties of Trans-Nzoia, Nandi, Elgeyo Marakwet and Uasin Gishu have allegedly been denied the chance to go back to their home county despite the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) reversing the delocalization policy in 2022.

The county Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) officials have thus protested accusing TSC of being an impediment against local teachers returning home.

“TSC was given an ultimatum to reroute all teachers and the deadline was January 31. We are perturbed and dismayed as union,” said the Executive Secretary Martin Sembelo.

He said there is a deliberate scheme by TSC to reroute non locals back to the county denying locals the chance to unite with their families, a matter that has led to family break-ups.

“We want TSC to move with maximum speed and minimum delay and reroute local teachers back to West Pokot,” he said.

Sembelo noted that non-local teachers wanted to go to West Pokot County because of the hardship allowances.

Mr Sembelo noted that the county was understaffed and the entrance of local tutors would be a plus.

The branch Chairman Joel Patrich explained that for the indigenous language subject in Competency-Based Curriculum [CBC] to succeed, delocalized teachers need to return home.

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