TSC assures of free and fair recruitment of teachers in Tharaka -Nithi

By Malachi Motano

The Teacher’s Service Commission (TSC) is conducting a recruitment drive for teachers in  both primary and secondary  schools in Tharaka -Nithi County.

According to Mary Muraya, the TSC Sub- County Director for Tharaka North and South Sub-counties, the recruitment intended to increase the teacher -pupil ratio will be free and fair to all applicants.

Muraya said that from the 66 slots available in the county, each of the five sub counties had been allocated 13 slots and the remaining slot allocated to the sub county with the highest applicants.

She added that applicants with prior experience as interns will have an added advantage though the categories of applicants were minimal and many other applicants still stood a good chance.

‘We are currently verifying that the documents attached online are true copies of the original,” the Sub-county Director revealed.

She disclosed that the efforts by all the applicants who turned up for the verification exercise was not in vain, because the verified documents would be maintained by TSC as basis for future recruitments.

Speaking to the media during a documents’ verification exercise for primary school teachers held at Tharaka Boys Secondary School, she noted that the recruitment comes in handy with the Ministry of Health Covid-19 protocols that require social distancing, to ensure teacher-pupil contact is not compromised.

Similar exercises were being conducted in the other three Sub-counties of Meru-South, Igambang’ombe and Maara.

Documents verification exercise for secondary school teachers in the County started on Wednesday July 22 2021

Tharaka-Nithi TSC Director, Abukar Hassan, disclosed that the government had extended the contracts of 23 primary school teachers and 24 secondary school teachers who had been recruited for the year 2020 and assigned new contracts for 55 primary school and 69 secondary school teachers in the County.

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