Traders cautioned against exploiting parents ahead of Form 1 students’ admission

Traders cautioned against exploiting parents ahead of Form 1 students' admission
Pastor Mwaniki speaks to some students set to join Form 1 at his church.

Traders dealing with essential items required by incoming Form One students have been urged to avoid inflating prices and be cognizant of the economic crisis afflicting parents across the country.

Pastor Lincoln Mwaniki of Joy Springs Churches of Kenya in Embu termed the exaggeration of prices as unfair and selfish.

He said that exploitative prices could disrupt the education of some learners, some of whom may fail to report to school altogether.

The clergy also asked the Ministry of Education to monitor what he termed as ‘hidden levies’ being demanded by some schools claiming to cater for items such as uniforms from private entities.

Pastor Mwaniki welcomed the decision by the government to ban the stocking of uniforms and other items at school outlets but called for closer enforcement of the ban noting that the practice went on unabated in some institutions.

“Schools should not take financial advantage of parents and guardians. They should instead be keen to provide education and not pursuit of financial gains,” he said.

The Pastor advised learners to concentrate on their studies once schools reopen, be prayerful and avoid bad company who may corrupt their morals.

By Robert Nyagah

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