Top boy in Rarieda seeks help to join form one

By Erick Nyayiera

A top candidate in the 2020 KCPE at Tanga Primary school in Rarieda sub-county is appealing for help to join form one.

Eugyne Otieno Ochieng scored 404 marks and has been selected to join Ribe Boys High School in Mombasa.

But the boy’s dream of becoming an engineer after clearing his education could be dashed due to lack of school fees. His single mother Millicent Awino, is facing difficulty in raising the required school fees.

The mother, formerly employed as a maid in Nairobi and who is now bed-ridden, said she is unable to raise the required amount.

“The total amount of fee required in order for my son to join form is Sh75, 798 apart from other requirements such as uniform,” Awino told  Education News.

The boy has been staying at his maternal grandparents’ home together with her ailing mother since 2009. His grandfather is also unable assist him.

“I am celebrating my boy’s good performance, but where to get his school fees is the problem. This is a highly competitive national school and my boy’s position risks being taken by a child from a well-off family,” said the mother as she appealed for assistance from well-wishers to have the boy’s dream actualized.

Ochieng’s former head teacher George Midega said his school had been paying his fees since he joined the school.

“The boy was bright and having looked at his background, we decided to support him in order to achieve his academic goals,” said Midega.

Midega said that after joining the school, the boy concentrated on his studies. He described the boy as disciplined and focused.

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