Three children stranded after father sets house on fire

By Agnes Orang’o

Three school going children are stranded after their father set their house on fire in Kyelendu, Kangundo sub county of Machakos county.

The mother Annastacia Kalekye said that her husband has been abusive and whenever he gets drunk he chases her and the children away.

“He came home drunk last week and ordered us out. As we tried to escape I heard the boys screaming and on coming back I found the house on fire. Neighbors tried to help put out the fire but as you can see what was saved is of no help,” she narrated.

She said that the man was nabbed by irate locals who beat him up before handing him over to the police.

Annastacia Kalekye and her three children.

Annastacia said that by virtue of her being jobless, being homeless has added to her woes. She added that she required assistance from well wishers so that her children who have not attended school since last week Wednesday are able to proceed with their education.

“On that fateful day my father came home drunk. He was furious and chased my mum and sister. He took a panga and went to my sister’s room where my mum’s clothes were and started the fire. I screamed and the neighbors came to our rescue. This is the third time my father is doing this,” said Matthew Mutua, one of the children.

He added: “We are worried because we have never known peace. When will all this stop? My uncles say my dad will come home and the house will be built again but I am worried because this won’t stop any time soon.”

The mother is now calling for justice from authorities and help from well wishers to help them get back on their feet and her children back to school.

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