Thousands of KMTC students to miss loans as USAID pulls out

By Amoto Ndiewo

Thousands of needy KMTC students could miss out in financial support under Afya Elimu (AEF)  as key financier  USAID, has pulled out, handing the project to the government of Kenya which is one of the  core partners.

USAID deputy Mission Director Heather Schildge challenged the private sector to chip in to help the needy students.

“The programme has 11, 878 new healthcare workers and currently supporting 24, 017 students, studying degree courses in medicine and medical field,’’ she said.

“ The beneficiaries  will contribute to the national health  growth  by saving lives, improving the quality of life for Kenya and boosting  the economic  environment  of youth  and women,’’  the director said.

Under the project the, medical students received an average of Sh40,000 to finance their fee payment and accommodation.

“Over the years, the government of Kenya contribution to the fund students through HELB grew, and eventually government contribution increased four times more than USAID,’’ she noted.

‘’The Elimu Afya Fund was established in 2013 and launched in 2016 , under Public Private Partnership initiative aimed at providing training fee for needy students in medical training. It has raised $26 million, allowing it to train three times pupillage more than initially planned,’’ the director added.

The focus was on middle level caders nursing, laboratory technologists, clinical officers, amongst bulk of  country’s health workforce.

AEF which offers affordable loans at 4% is a revolving fund that provides loans to needy students pursuing pre –service medical training to medical training at mid-level colleges.

Those in attendance at the function amongst others included HELB Chief Executive Officer Charles Ringera who recently called for more foreign funding.

The acting Director of Health, Dr Patrick Amoth was represented by Dr. Kigen Bartiol from the MOH ,who said,’’ Kenya’s Vision  2030  indicates health care as a social pillar and key in achieving  the visions of middle level economy .’’

He noted that the county is still grappling with the shortage of manpower in healthcare which calls for more investment in the sector,

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