Thirsty Kajiado school gets borehole after 25-year struggle

President Daniel Wanjuki, Rotary Club of kitengela officially commissioned water project worth KSh7 million at Matepes Primary School in Rombo, Loitokitok on March 22.

The teachers, pupils joined by the community of Matepes Primary School in Rombo, Kajiado County celebrated borehole after 25 years down the line trekking for over 20 kilometres searching for contaminated water by pesticides and other impurities.

They also worried as they sought to quench their thirst because of human-wildlife conflicts

However, God answered their prayer after KSh7 million water project was recently launched at the school March 22, 2024— the World Water Day.

The project was spearheaded by Rotary Club of Kitengela in partnership with Davis & Shirtliff, Rotary International and the community.

The pupils while attributing towards the project through poem resighting, they have been trekking for over 20 kilometres to get water, which is often unsafe due to human-wildlife conflicts.

“We have suffered a lot as pupils ending up missing class lessons, we have had to trek for more than one and half hours. Some of our fellows have lost their lives in the process of looking for water.  This is a welcoming relief for the school.”

Learners at Matepes Primary School enjoy after water project was commissioned.

“The project will ensure the school has clean drinking water. And water for domestic use both for leaners and community,” noted President Daniel Wanjuki who said that 30,000 litres of water can be pumped from the borehole per hour which uses a solar system to ensure reliable supply of the commodity.

Matepes Primary head teacher Samuel Karanja said over 496 leaners have suffered for long time, however, there’s relief for the pupils now.


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“We have faced challenges in accessing clean water. The water we have been using in the school is contaminated by pesticides used by farmers and other impunities that have resulted to diseases outbreaks. We are excited with this project,” head teacher expressed his joy.

“We are also happy as school fraternity that the time our pupils do lose as they look for water will now be utilised in learning,” he noted.

The head teacher revealed that the rivers in the area are seasonal, forcing the pupils and community to rely on water from highly contaminated sources such as dry river beds, silanga known as water pan and unprotected open wells.

Area senior chief James Tikwa said the pupils and community at large are happy to have the project as it will eradicate cases of human-wildlife conflicts over water.

Most part of Kajiado experience drought that results to water scarcity where the community walking long distance in search of water.

Rombo Assistant County Commissioner Rispah Kitum said the pupils and community have in the past been exposed to waterborne diseases due to the consumption of unsafe water.

Rombo added that said the project will ensure the school and local get water from a safe source unlike in the past when they relied on contaminated water from rivers.

“Many cases of patients in the health centres are due to consumption of unsafe water. When leaners and the residents have access to clean water, they will lead a healthy life. Women will also have time to do other chores as they will no longer walk long distance looking in search of water, same applies to the pupils and teachers,” Kitum noted.

“Also, cases of children failing to attend school as they join the search for water will also come to an end. Having this water project here will help them a lot,” she noted.

Davis & Shirtliff, one of the partners in the project, donated a solar system to provide a renewable source of power.

Ongata Rongai Branch Manager Amos Mutunga said the solar modules reduce greenhouse gas emissions therefore mitigating climate change while providing sustainability to the project.

By Michael Opiyo

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