Thika TTI crowned best tertiary institution in performance contracting ratings

By Our Reporter

Thika Technical Training Institute has been crowned the best performing tertiary institution in Kenya during the 2020/2021 public service performance evaluations done by the Public Service Performance Management and Monitoring Unit (PSPMMU) through the Government Performance Contracting Information System (GPCIS).

The institution had a composite score of 2.4376 and was followed closely by Katine TTI and the Kenya Coast National Polytechnic in the second and third positions respectively with composite scores of 2. 5255 and 2. 5544 respectively.

The three institutions, alongside other seven in the top ten category were placed in the “Very Good” category.

Speaking to Education News in her office recently, Thika TTI Principal Hannah Mburu couldn’t hide her joy.

She attributed the impressive performance to the high level of dedication, team work and commitment among the staff members and the students.

“We did exceptionally well in the performance contracting evaluations because our staff is highly motivated to work and our students are very disciplined and hardworking. This has given us ample time to concentrate on our core business which is training,” Hannah said.

She revealed that the institution had developed master plan which would guide infrastructural development over the next 25 years.

“The development of infrastructure has been necessitated by the sharp increase in student enrolment levels. Currently, we have a student population of over 12, 000. We’ve renovated close to 80 per cent of our old buildings and also developed new ones to accommodate the large number of trainees,” revealed the principal.

She confirmed that her administration had put up a modern gate, increased the number of tuition blocks, laboratories, workshops, offices and also expanded the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure.

The administrator noted that the institution had also enhanced networks, partnerships and collaborations with the public and private sectors.

“We are currently collaborating with GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation) to establish a Centre of Excellence in Mechatronics Engineering in our institution. Plans are also underway to put up an Autobody Technology Complex,” revealed Hannah.

She revealed that once the ultra-modern complex has been completed, the institution will roll out the auto-body building and welding course.

Thika TTI is a Centre of Excellence in Automotive Technology and Mechanical engineering courses.  The institution dates back to 1949 when it was started as a vocational training centre.

Over the past few years, the institution has mentored other upcoming Technical and Vocational Colleges (TVCs) which include; Muranga, Kiharu, Gichugu and Mwea TVCs. Muranga and Mwea TVCs are fully operational while Kiharu and Gichugu are nearing completion.

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