The sad plight of private TTCs in the country

 By Mathews Bulimo

Many private Teachers Training Colleges(TTCs) across the country are on the verge of collapsing due to the low number of  students enrolling in the institutions for Early Childhood  Development  Education  (ECDE) ,Diploma  in  Teacher Education  Primary  option  commonly  referred to as P1  and   Secondary  Education.

Mr. Patrick  Nandasaba ,the  Chief  Principal  of   West Kenya  College  of  Professional  Studies  located in  Kanduyi  Sub-County said the institution has only managed to enroll  a few students  for ECDE diploma course.

He added that majority of those who wish to pursue Diploma in Teacher Education did not meet the required cluster subjects for enrollment as set by the Ministry of Education.

According to the new policies , for one to enroll for a course in  Diploma in Teacher Education , one must have a minimum grade of C plain  and pass in other cluster subjects like Mathematics, English ,Kiswahili  ,one  Humanity and  a science  in the  grades scored in Kenya  Certificate  of  Secondary  Education  (KCSE).

Nandasaba said that officials from the Education Office visited his school for an inspection exercise. As per the  requirements , they need to have   Practical  Science  Laboratories  ,Information and Communication Technology  Centre    ,a music laboratory  ,sports arena  and an Agricultural Centre  for  them  to be  certified to  offer training in    the  Diploma  course in  Teaching  .

Nandasaba reiterated that all those requirements require a lot of money and that low student enrollments posed a financial threat to their sustainability. He urged the government to do away with cluster subjects requirements and instead focus on the mean grade so as to save their investments in educating teachers.

He also urged students to work hard in all subjects so as to easily enroll for their preferred courses in future.

He expressed hope that all is not lost as those not able to join TTCs can join TVETs for life skills which is also a saver for un-employment.

The situation is not different for another college director who sought anonymity. He revealed that his college is in a deep financial crisis since the halting of P1 enrolment and Certificate ECDE in 2019.

He also revealed that he is contemplating selling personal property so as to be able to service bank loans.

He appealed to the government to implement the guidelines in stages so that private TTCs do not collapse. He also called on  the  national  government  through education Cabinet Secretary  Prof  George  Magoha to  give  soft  loans  to  private  learning institutions  so as to cushion them against the  harsh  economic conditions  poised by the  Corona Virus .

He argued that the Ministry of Education should embrace the recommendations earlier suggested by former Cabinet Secretary for Education Ambassador Amina   Mohammed. Amb. Mohammed had proposed to have an affirmative action for training teachers in areas such as North Eastern.

‘There is still a very high shortage of teachers in the country and the only saviour is the survival of TTCs,’ he said.

Mrs. Dorothy  Auma , the  Director of  Nabongo  TTC said that  the college has only been able to find   four  students  who have qualified  for  the  Diploma in Teacher Education Primary option .

The institution is the only college in Bungoma county that has so far been certified by the government to train teachers under the new guidelines. 

She expressed hope that teachers already qualified for P1 course will do an upgrade of a nine months course to gain a Diploma in Teacher Education for admission.

Some of the TTCs like Mwea TTC have been shut down due to financial crisis.

Bungoma County Deputy Governor Prof Charles Kibanani Ngome called on TSC and Prof Magoha to   save TTCs from the crisis they are facing.

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