The Kenya Music and Cultural Festival 95th edition comes to a close

By Boniface Mulu

The Kenya Music and Cultural Festival (KMCF) officially closed the curtains of its 95th edition at Kitui Multipurpose Development Training Institute in Kitui Town in an event presided over by Kitui County Deputy Governor Augustine Wambua Kanani on behalf of Governor Julius Makau Malombe.

Twenty five contestants drawn from all over the country participated in the Festival with teams and individuals performing their best pieces in different art categories. Kakamega County emerged the best overall winner followed by Kwale and Vihiga Counties.

Speaking during the Festival themed ‘Embracing Cultural Diversity and Connections in the 21st Century and Beyond’, Kanani addressed the importance of safeguarding the country’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage in order to promote and preserve it.

“Cultural heritage has enhanced the development of the arts and creative industries. The promotion of cultural exchange and empowering artists reminds us of our key role as a county and the country to sustain our God-given heritage. Based on this year’s theme, we want to connect with each one of you, your counties, your good cultural practices, your expressions and talents,” he said.

He added: “This 95th edition of the KMCF marks a particular epoch in our history where the country has immediately concluded a general election and looking forward to building resilient communities who uphold their cultural values, arts and music as wealth; now and generations to come.”

The Deputy Governor said that the Festival is the epitome of experiencing the cultural wealth of Kenya supported by diverse communities, traditions, expressions and understanding of the dynamically changing cultural realities.

“As all of us strive towards the promotion of peace, national values and cohesion amongst Kenyan communities, the Kitui County has provided an enabling environment to practically implement these objectives in line with Kenya’s vision 2030,” he further said.

Kanani noted that he learnt a lot from all Kenyan communities represented by their enthusiastic teams displaying distinct cultural expressions, showing the diversity and richness of the country, advocating for cohesion and peace.

He also enjoyed the heritage, culture, expressions, diversity as well as the hospitality of Kitui People.

Kanani revealed that the County government had revived the construction of the Kitui Resource Centre at Manyenyoni in Kitui Municipality which, among others, will have a meeting hall with a 2,500 seat capacity and reintroduce the Kitui County Communities Cultural Festival.

The Deputy Governor was impressed by KMCF directors choosing Kitui County to host the event, saying; “This marks the first of its own kind to be held in Kitui. As a county, we don’t take it for granted to have chosen our county as the host for the festival.”

“I once again welcome you to Kitui County where culture displays its best from people’s hospitality, beautiful sceneries, traditional foods, artefacts, good hotels, music, dances, our game reserves, Kora and Tsavo East National Parks, Kavea Caves and of course, the legendary gender-changing Nzambani Rock,” Kanani continued.

He lauded the more than 20 counties which participated in the Festival, the teams and individuals who performed making the event a great success, the winners of different classes both for Music and other performances, the tireless efforts made by the adjudicators and technical team for making the event successful.

County Gender, Tourism, Sports and Culture Minister Hellena Kitheka urged people not to abandon Kenya’s culture. He said that cultures are very important and meaningful for the society.

She praised Governor Malombe and his deputy Augustine Wambua Kanani for their exemplary leadership.

“Their great thought is benefitting us a lot as the people of Kitui County. They have revived the Kitui County’s Cultural Week that had collapsed for the last five year.” she concluded.

This year’s event was jointly sponsored by the Kenya Cultural Centre, Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB), National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC), Canon, Kenya Music and Cultural Festival; and the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage’s Culture Department.



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