The fast approaching national exams worry head teachers

By Malachi Motano

School headers are worried over the fast approaching dates for the national examinations since the government has not released exam funds for preparations.

The head teachers who are also the managers of the examination centres say delayed release of the capitation balance by the government is hampering the purchase of chemicals for practical subjects and apparatus for science subjects.

According to the National Chairman of Kenya Secondary School Heads Association Indimuli Kahi, thousands of Form Four candidates may not sit for the science practical examinations if cash does not hit school accounts in time.

“As we speak, schools do not have money; preparations for Biology, Physics and Chemistry papers may not be adequate if the government fails to release capitation money in time. We may not be able to buy the examination council-prescribed specimen once they send us the lists,” said Indimuli.

He recalls that government promised to release the final tranche of 25 per cent by the end of February unfortunately nothing has happened up to date.

“There are serious concerns over preparations for 1.9 million candidates who will sit Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams that are expected to begin soon,” he says.

A total of 1,088,986 candidates will sit KCPE exams, while another 699,745 will sit for KCSE test papers.

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