Tharaka Nithi unionists oppose transfer of school heads

By John Majau

Three unionists in Tharaka-Nithi County have vehemently opposed the recent posting of head teachers and principals to counties outside their place of origin.
They called on the Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC) to immediately revoke or temporally suspend the transfer until consultations between all the education stakeholders are held.
Led by the Kenya National Union of Teachers’ (KNUT) Chuka/Igambang’ombe branch Executive Secretary Njeru Mutani, his Tharaka branch counterpart Ndia Gwatia and the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Tharaka-Nithi County Chapter Executive Secretary Patrick Gitonga they termed the transfer as demoralizing and frustrating.
They said the exercise will separate families especially during this dangerous period of the HIV/Aids scourge with couples being exposed to infection while away from their spouses for long periods. The union officials faulted the massive transfer of 66 primary school head teachers and 14 secondary school principals to stations outside their counties in what the employer terms as delocalisation.
“We are still wondering why the TSC has disregarded the KNUT versus TSC recognition agreement which is meant to ensure we work as a team through consultations”, said the Chuka/Igambang’ombe branch Executive Secretary.
Mutani said that some elderly teachers who are aged over 58 years and others with genuine health complications were forced to go on transfer despite regular pleas from the union to spare them.
He accused TSC of failure to consult other education stakeholders before making such delicate decisions, noting that the transfers should have only affected those who have overstayed in one station for more than nine years.
Gwatia said TSC failed to consider various factors including age and health status of the teachers while conducting the exercise.
“It is wrong to transfer teachers nearing retirement and those with health issues to far places,” said Gwatia.
Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Tharaka-Nithi County Chapter Executive Secretary Patrick Gitonga said the exercise should be done humanely with a clean and open heart.

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