Textile hub at Kisumu poly 52pc complete

By Fredrick Odiero

Kisumu National Polytechnic’s multi-million shilling textile project is set to be ready in 18 months.

Construction of the centre dubbed Regional Flagship TVET Institute for Textile Technology which sits on 686 acres is 52 per cent complete.

The Sh394 million-facility which will house a factory, laboratories, tuition blocks, studios and hostels is being constructed by Chaju Builders Limited.

It is under the Sh1.08 billion programme aimed at reviving the textiles industry in the country through a partnership between Ministry of Education and World Bank.

The project is funded by the bank to develop a value chain for cotton.  Upon completion, the facility will enrol up to 6,000 students annually from Kenya and beyond.

Officials from Ministry of Education and World Bank who toured the project recently expressed satisfaction with the ongoing construction work.

Under the programme, the polytechnic has been identified as a centre of excellence for textiles. The project will provide direct employment opportunities to over 500 individuals and 2,500 indirectly working at the factory, the institute and the cotton value chain.

Kisumu National Polytechnic Chief Principal Catherine Kelonye said the construction work is projected to be complete within 18 months.

She disclosed that they are going to advertise for experts next month with interviews being conducted by the governing council.

“Those are the people who will be coming to teach and train our students because textile technology is not a basic course,” Kelonye said.

She added that the institution is also looking at having extensive cotton growing in Siaya County where it has a school of agriculture.

“We are urging farmers in this region to embark on massive growing of cotton because textile industry provides ready market,” she said.

Kelonye said the institution is working with other technical and vocational training institutions to revive the sub-sector.

She earlier said they have commenced online courses at the institution.

Kelonye said they will start the programme with a student population of 5,000 early next year, adding that the student population is expected to hit 15,000 next year.

The principal spoke when she hosted the high level delegation from World Bank and Education ministry who were on a fact finding mission.

Director of Research and Innovations the institution Nyangara Asaka said the programme targets 16 institutions in Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania.

He said they are developing a cluster of TVET institutions to jointly exploit the latest technology to revive the ailing textile industry.

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