Teso North JSS schools receive sanitary towels from NGAAF

Busia Woman Rep Catherine Omanyi(middle) in a jig with other guests and students/ Photos by Godfrey Wamalwa

Teso North Sub-county has received a record 72,000 packs of sanitary towels from National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) to be distributed to Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) and day secondary schools.

Presiding over the distribution exercise to head teachers at Amagoro Primary School, Busia Woman Representative Catherine Omanyo said Busia County is leading in the number of sanitary towels distributed in the three-day exercise that started on Tuesday and ended on Thursday.

She said NGAAF had allocated Ksh10million to go towards the purchase of the sanitary towels.

The sub-county is followed in second place by Teso South and Matayos, which received 57,600 packs each to take joint second position.

Others; like Butula received 48,000 packs, Nambale (43, 296), Teso Central (43,000), Samia (41,856), and Bunyala (27,000).

Omanyo said Teso North is getting the lion’s share of the distribution by virtue of having many primary and secondary schools compared to other sub counties in the county to catapult them into pivotal position, in the   supplies that will last a whole year.


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“The distribution was based on enrolment, and Teso North had comparative advantage, than other seven sub counties. We decided to chip in since many parents in our county  can’t afford basic needs for the girl child for instance quality sanitary towels a thing which has forced girls from this region to  use rags which makes them uncomfortable to stay and play,” she said.

Thursday, July 18, 2024 was the third day of the county wide distribution of sanitary towels to JSS and day secondary schools across all eight sub counties of Bunyala, Samia, Butula, Matayos, Nambale, Teso South, Teso Central and Teso North

At the same time, Teso North Sub County Director of Education Elizabeth Marangach said the area boasts of 97 public primary schools, 47 private schools, and 32 secondary schools, predicting that Teso North, which was ranked second in KCPE in the county will be number one in this year’s  KCSE.

By Godfrey Wamalwa

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