Teen mothers among beneficiaries of Ksh2M NGAAF bursary in Machakos

Machakos County MP Joyce Kasimbi poses for a photo with some of the beneficiaries from NGAAF bursary.

Machakos County Woman Representative Joyce Kameme Kasimbi, through her NGAAF (National Government Affirmative Action Fund) kitty, has disbursed a bursary worth Ksh2.75 million to over 300 students.

Among these beneficiaries drawn from nine sub-counties were 60 young mothers who, despite facing challenges, are now granted a second chance to pursue their education dreams.

The distribution event, held at Machakos town, resonated with hope and gratitude as students and their families expressed appreciation for this vital support.

“As the Woman Representative, I am committed to ensuring that every student, especially young mothers, has access to quality education. This bursary is a step towards that goal,” stated Kasimbi.

Joyce Kasimbi, Machakos MP, talks to the beneficiaries of the NGAAF bursary in Machakos Social Hall.

She noted that efforts to reach out to young girls who got pregnant during school are ongoing to ensure they achieve their dreams.

She urged schools and students to be welcoming to such students as many face stigma that may hinder their education pursuits.

As schools are set to reopen next week, she urged parents to ensure their children are safe while going to school.

“If your child crosses rivers or streams while going to and from school, ensure you accompany and pick them so that they won’t drown. Most of these rivers and streams swell up after heavy rains,” she advised.


Baringo County Assembly passes motion to increase salary for ECDE teachers

By Agnes Orang’o

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