I will boost teaching service, says new Rift TSC boss

Rift Valley TSC Regional Director Alex Cheruiyot has urged teachers in the region to embrace professionalism in teaching to boost education standards and students’ performance in national examinations.

Speaking to Education News on Tuesday, Cheruiyot said that teachers should spend adequate time with students adding that the Commission is mulling over increasing teacher-learner contact hours to ensure adequate content delivery to schools.

“My key priority as Regional TSC Director in this region is to inject new trends and synergy to ensure teachers are professional and result-oriented. What we need are quality results,” he said.

He said that he will push for human resource utilization so that all schools in the 14 counties in the region have sufficient teachers.

“We will be balancing teachers across all schools by prioritizing schools with under-staffing to ensure they get required teachers,” he added.

Cheruiyot said that Sub County Directors (SCDs) will embark on monitoring and supporting teachers and Principals in Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) to ensure the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is fully implemented.

“As a commission we will offer teaching inductions, mentorship and coaching to promote high standards of professionalism in teaching,” the Director said.

The Director encouraged intern teachers in the region to respect their seniors as they perform their duties in order to efficiently learn from them.

Cheruiyot called on parents to pay school fees on time to ensure their children continue with their studies uninterrupted.

The Director called on education stakeholders in the region to increase efforts towards improving education standards in the area.

By Peter Otuoro

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