Teachers Saccos set up fund to address liquidity challenges

By George Otieno

Kenya Teachers Sacco Association (KETSA) held a leadership summit themed ‘Journey to the Top in Contemporary Times’ on 15th February that brought together over 120 Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officers of various Saccos.

It took place at the Pride Inn Paradise Hotel in Mombasa and was envisioned to equip the top management with significant leadership skills and relevant knowledge that would assist them in rendering quality service to their members.

KETSA chairperson Robert Njue Kithanju, who has been at the helm for almost a year now, said he was pleased by the response he received when the idea of the summit was first mooted.

“This being our first summit, we had set a very ambitious target of bringing together about a hundred leaders,” Kithanju said.

He said that during the three day summit, he noticed a high level of focus and interest to learn following the extremely minimal in and out movements during facilitation.

Speaking on matters Saccos and regulations, Mr. Peter Njuguna, SASRA CEO and chief guest at the summit, applauded KETSA for organizing such a beneficial event. He said there was power in industry coordination to drive agenda, steer the direction of change and take part in major decision making processes.

“The primary goal and intention of the regulator has always been to enhance stability and financial inclusion. However, regulations alone cannot solve business problems. When the government, the regulator and industry players work together, they are able to balance and identify the real challenges that directly affect the society and authoritatively articulat,” said SASRA CEO.

Mr. Njuguna also commended the Sacco society for remitting their taxes in good time and encouraged KETSA members to work together for resilience.

KETSA manager Mrs Ivy Kageni Kamau said their main objective as an association was making their operations as smooth as possible, making sure they are on top of things at any given time. Any development in the industry is kept abreast as they address issues affecting their members, sensitizing and assisting them make appropriate changes and decisions whenever there was need.

She added that such leadership summits are crucial to the Sacco members as they put the organizations at an advantage place especially on matters leadership, government and regulation.

KETSA secretary Mr. Peter Ngugi noted that in a movement of 23 active members and counting, it was prudent that the Society came together time to time to tackle common challenges and exchange ideas.

“Our main objective is to bring in more Sacco members to KETSA so as to approach Sacco issues as one body. KETSA strives to facilitate such educative and informative in-house trainings for its members, boards, staffs and supervisory Boards, at the same time carry out capacity building. We work together to help members address taxation issues and work closely with SASRA and the Commissioner’s office in order to abide by the law and take the Sacco journey as a team,” Ngugi said.

Mr. Ngugi also revealed that KETSA currently has a central fund where Saccos can borrow at a minimal interest rate and is working to bring to reality Sacco shared services and mortgage financing as a product to meet members’ housing needs.

The summit, which was also a bonding and networking platform, saw leaders trained in various areas such as Change Management, Influence in Leadership and Mental Wellness.

The Saccos were challenged to be vibrant, relevant and to respond to the environment in which they operate so as to stay afloat to satisfy members’ needs. They were also urged to adjust to current technological changes in order to offer members an experience to remember by providing products and services that members can relate to and interact with.

KETSA has Ecopillar, Jumuisha and Boresha Saccos as its new recruits and aspires to register twenty more in due course.

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