Teachers throw their hats into the political ring

By Andanje Wakhungu

A number of teachers have expressed interest to vie for various electoral positions countrywide in the forthcoming general elections.

Our reporter Andanje Wakhungu went on a fact finding mission in Malava sub county in Kakamega County to establish the factors pushing these educationists to join the political fray perceived to be dangerous with extreme love and hate projected in equal measure by the electorate.

Boasting of over 100,000 voters and housing seven wards, the sub county has been a beehive of activities recently as the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) verified candidates wishing to run for various political positions.

Education being a key sector in the country’s development agenda, it has also been politicized.

Some politicians  have used it as campaigning tool, many of them promising to bolster it once they ascend to power.

Malava MP Malulu Injendi has already served for two terms but he is seeking to be re-elected thanks to the education strategies he has put in place in the constituency.

The strategies have earned him favour among his constituents who continue to support him each election year.

The MP is seeking re-election to complete projects he has initiated, the biggest one being the ongoing construction of the multi-million Kenya Medical Training College Malava campus.

Shs 20 million has already been disbursed through the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) for the first phase of the construction.

Malulu, who prides himself as an educationist, has been on the forefront in ensuring that education standards in the constituency are set high through equal distribution of bursaries to applicants.

He has also banned fund drives in schools as a way of cushioning parents from the heavy financial burden stating that the NG-CDF kitty should suffice to develop infrastructure in schools.

His main agenda has been education as one way of alleviating poverty and illiteracy and developing a sane and sober society where people reason and find solutions amicably.

Malulu maintains that an educated society is key to the country’s development.

Another aspirant battling it out with him is Caleb Sunguti who has been a trainer of trainees at the Kenya School of Government.

He has made a name for himself by assisting bright and needy students get education through various bursary and scholarship programmes.

Along with his friends, he has initiated a scholarship programme that has enabled about 30 students  to study in the country and abroad.

He promised to revamp the education sector with fresh ideas that he will implement if elected.

Former head teacher and second term-seeking South Kabras MCA, Samson Tali is also advocating for better education standards .

His main goal is to present a bill in the county assembly to increase its ward fund allocation to enable more students to continue schooling. This is in line with the government’s policy of 100% transition of students to secondary schools.

Retired teacher and education chairman at the Kakamega county assembly (2013-2017) Wycliffe Gimoi is making a political comeback.

”During my tenure, my committee ensured that education standards were top notch and we had so many education programmes that saw our sub county spring back to life from being last to top four. It is very sad that since we were not re-elected, our standards have deteriorated drastically,” he lamented.

He banks on his vast experience in education matters to liaise with relevant stakeholders and put in place mechanisms that will spruce up excellent performance.

In Shirugu/Mugai ward, a trade unionist and outgoing Samitsi Primary School head teacher Peter Masungo will be squaring it out with retired head Peter Wanami.

Mr. Masungo is the current Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Kakamega North assistant treasurer and he prides himself as being a selfless and outspoken leader who will push for the enactment of better county education laws that will foster a conducive learning environment.

On the other hand, Mr Wanami is a force to reckon with and a supporter of community initiatives in his ward. Last year, he donated facemasks to schools as one way of assisting teachers and pupils cushion themselves against Covid-19.

Serving as a BOM chairman in various schools, he has remained focused and steadfast in supporting education programmes and bringing onboard donors to support the bright but needy students.

As the campaign period enters its homestretch, many voters are advised to elect visionary leaders who will bring the much needed transformation in the education sector.

Outgoing Samitsi Primary School head teacher, Peter Masungo.
Michael Nganasa, a former journalist and lecturer, is vying for the seat as an independent candidate.
Peter Wanami, a supporter of community initiatives in his ward.
Wycliffe Gimoi after being cleared by IEBC.
Caleb Sunguti, a trainer of trainees at the Kenya School of Government.
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