Teacher visiting detained KUPPET officials in Kakamega also arrested

Secondary school teachers picketing at Kakamega Provincial TSC offices on Tuesday. Another teacher was arrested when she went to see her colleagues in police cells.

Kakamega branch KUPPET leaders arrested yesterday are still being held at the Kakamega Central Police Station, and one has been added into their fold.

In a dramatic escalation of tensions, three officials of the union were arrested by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) late Thursday afternoon.

And in a disturbing turn of events, Wilbroda Shinanda, the Women Representative, was also arrested while visiting the detained officials.

The arrests followed a complaint lodged by the principal of St Monica Lubao School, prompting authorities to conduct a manhunt for the officials, including Executive Secretary Harrison Otota and colleagues Damaris Kisiang’ani the Vice Treasurer and Livanze Mwani.

The detained officials were transported to Kakamega Central Police Station.

Lawyer Ken Echesa, who was present alongside the group of teachers during the arrests, provided insights into the situation.

“From a legal perspective, it is strenuous to argue with police officers,” he said, arguing that rather than seeking cash bail, the arrested officials opted to remain in custody until Friday morning as a symbolic gesture of their fight for educators’ rights.

Echesa remained hopeful, asserting that all arrested individuals should either be released unconditionally or brought before a court of law by today morning.


3 Kakamega KUPPET officials arrested for storming school

He condemned the arrests as part of a broader government scheme to intimidate teachers exercising their constitutional rights to protest.

He urged the teaching community to rally in support of their colleagues, encouraging a strong showing at Kakamega Central Police Station and later at Kakamega Law Courts.

“Let’s stand together in solidarity,” Echesa concluded, emphasizing the urgency of the situation for the future of teachers’ rights in the area.

The branch treasurer Mbati Mukabana while addressing the press today afternoon remained optimistic that the four will be released before end of business today.

“We are processing for our colleagues to be out and we have already struck a deal and therefore our lawyers are on it and we are sure that the four will be released today because the crimes they are being accused of are very petty according to the criminal laws of this republic,” He said.

By Calistus Imbayi

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