Teacher, student arrested after fire incident at Taranganya High School

By Norah Musega

A Biology and Agriculture teacher and a 19-year old form four student have been arrested as Migori County police launched investigations into a fire incident which left property of unknown value destroyed in a dormitory at Taranganya Boys High School on Friday night.

The two were arrested over allegations of starting fire in the ground floor section of the two-story dormitory building at the institution.

Confirming the incident was Kuria East Deputy County Commissioner Mr. Andrew Mwiti who applauded the locals and students for their support during the incident to help put off the fire before the county fire engine arrived from the headquarters.

“I am grateful to the students and locals who moved swiftly to help in the exercise and luckily the fire did not spread to the first floor. The fire engine from the county arrived and managed to contain the fire.” he said.

Mwiti noted that only 267 form one students were affected and was grateful that none was injured in the process saying only smoke and fumes engulfed the first floor.

The fire started at around 9:20 pm when the students were in their respective clubs in the tuition section, DCC also mentioned that they have not been able to get any reports on whether the students had planned any unrest or arson in the school for whatever reason.

“We have not been able to get any reports on student’s plans to cause fire or unrest but investigations are ongoing. However we were able to ensure the affected students were accommodated by their colleagues and to spend the night comfortably as we discussed the way forward,” he added.

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