Teacher beats up headmaster over transfer

By Denis Lumiti   

There was drama at Khayega Primary School in Kakamega County after a teacher assaulted the head teacher in protest over his transfer.

George Isutsa is alleged to have beaten up his headmaster in the office after the latter handed him a letter instructing him to report to Bukusi Primary School.

The head teacher, John Makokha, was injured on the head and nursed a red eye. His eye glasses were broken during the incident.

Makoha said trouble started when he called the teacher to his office and handed him a transfer letter.

“After reading the letter, he pounced on me,” the headmaster told Education News.

Fellow teachers came to Makokha’s rescue.

Isutsa claimed the head teacher had masterminded his transfer.

“We heard him accusing the head teacher of instigating his transfer. When we rushed to the head’s office, we found him injured and bleeding,” said a teacher.

Makoha denied that he was behind the transfer. 

“I have a shortage of teachers so why would I want to worsen the situation? Transfers are a government policy and we only implement it,” he said. 

The teacher is said to be opposed to his transfer to Bukusi because “it is in the interior”. 

The two schools, both in Shinyalu Constituency, are about five kilometres apart. 

Khayega Primary is in Khayega shopping centre on the Kakamega-Kisumu highway, while Bukusi is on the murramed Khayega-Malimili road.

The headmaster was treated at Sheywe Hospital while Isutsa fled when Khayega chief Gerald Murunga and police officers arrived at the school.

“The teacher must face the full force of the Law,” the chief said.

Kakamega East police boss Robert Makau said they had launched a manhunt for the teacher and that he would be arrested and charged.

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