Take up technical courses, DG urges youth

By Philip Tianda

Kajiado Deputy Governor, Martin Moshisho, has called on youth in the county to come out and join polytechnics and be trained as electrical technicians and take up other technical courses.
He said the county is in dire need of technicians and especially electrical technicians saying constructions of other simple mechanicals duties are being done by people from other counties.
Moshisho who was speaking while attending a fund-raiser for needy students at Lorgusua said although the county has employment slots for skilled manpower, the youth could not been found to take up the jobs because the county is disadvantaged as most youths have shied away from joining the polytechnics.
“Youth can create employment through Technical skills, I challenge the youth to join the Technical training centers across the county and learn the technical skills” he said
The deputy Governor said the county has recently sponsored over 300 students who have joined Maasai Technical and Training Institute to do different courses and more will enrolled before the end of the year through the sponsorship of county government.
He said the young people should take up jobs that require technical skills instead of looking for elusive white collar employment so that they can be self-reliant.
He noted that the county cannot employ all the youth, saying that white-collar jobs are limited and that there are much more avenues of making it successful in their lives.
Moshusho said, negative attitudes amongst the youth hindered them from pursuing technical courses.
“Young people in the county are not being too keen on technical jobs or joining vocational training institutions.
I urge them to take up jobs that require technical skills.”
“We are aiming to be self-reliant so that all plumbers, electrician and other technically skilled personnel come from our county,” he said.

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